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Choose the Best Eyewear for Your Face!

Vision Pro Optical - Eye Exam

Eyewear Style 101

The glasses you wear should complement your face’s best features. There are many ways in which to pick out the perfect style for you. Here we’ve provided you with a couple of options to keep in mind:

You may want to base your decision on your individual skin, eye, and hair coloring (either warm or cool).

Every person has a base color of either warm or cool.

Vision Pro Optical - Eye Exam
Vision Pro Optical - Eye Exam

Eyewear Style 101

The glasses you wear should complement your face’s best features. There are many ways in which to pick out the perfect style for you. Here we’ve provided you with a couple of options to keep in mind:

You may want to base your decision on your individual skin, eye, and hair coloring (either warm or cool).

Every person has a base color of either warm or cool.

woman and son trying on glasses best for cool skin tones

Examples of cool skin, eyes, and hair color

  • A cool skin complexion has a blue or pink undertone
  • Dark blue and brown eyes would be considered cool colors
  • Ebony, strawberry-blonde, “dishwater” blond, whiter, or peppered hair are cool in color
  • ** Olive complexion is considered cool due to its mixture of blue and yellow
woman trying on glasses it fit a warm skin tone

Examples of warm skin, eyes, and hair color

  • A warm complexion is a softer yellow color
  • Light brown eyes and a soft green would be considered warm colors
  • Honey-blonde, brown-gold, or a “carroty” red are all warm hair colors
Woman trying on frames at Vision Pro Optical best for her face and hair color

Examples of the best frames
for coloring

  • Cool: black, rose-brown, blue-gray, plum, pink, blue
  • Warm: gold, copper, camel, coral, off-white, orange
Another Way To Pick Out Frames at Vision Pro Optical

Corresponding the shape of the glasses to the shape of your face is yet another way to pick out frames.

There are five common face shapes: round, heart, diamond, oval, and square.
Another Way To Pick Out Frames at Vision Pro Optical

Corresponding the shape of the glasses to the shape of your face is yet another way to pick out frames.

There are five common face shapes: round, heart, diamond, oval, and square.
Another Way To Pick Out Frames at Vision Pro Optical
A round face has curved lines. The width and length are the same proportions and have no angles. To make a rounded face appear thinner and longer, try more pointed and angular narrow frames to help lengthen the face. A clear bridge can widen the eyes. Frames that are wider than they are deep can also help achieve this look.
A heart-shaped face has a wider forehead, higher cheekbones, and a narrow chin. To draw attention away from the narrowed chin, try glasses with angled temples, or look for frames that are wider at the bottom. To draw attention away from the wide forehead, rounded frames help to soften the look of the face.
Diamond-shaped faces become narrow around the eyes and jaw line. They have pronounced cheekbones that may be high and striking. To highlight and accentuate the eyes and soften the cheekbones, try eyeglass frames that have pointed or clear brow lines, or try rimless frames.
An oval face is considered to be idyllic because of its fair proportions. To keep the oval’s natural balance, explore frames that are as wide as, or even wider than, the most distinct part of the face.
A square-shaped face has a strong jaw line and a broad forehead. The width and length of the face are the same size. To make the square face appear longer and soften the angles try narrow frame styles. Choose eyeglass frames that have more width than depth, and navigate toward more narrow ovals.